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MLS Update for Families 9/11/2020

Hello MLS Families,

Our journey for the 2020-2021 school year has started! Our week was filled with meeting our students either on-campus or in the neighborhood as we distributed over 1,500 books and school supplies. What a joy it was to see everyone. While buses are not pulling up to campus, we are on the most unusual road trip together — the virtual beginning of school! The most important thing about a trip is the journey, not the destination. Our mission is to instruct the mind, engage the heart, and empower the will!
Together we will read amazing books, enjoy solving challenging math problems, learn about different cultures, and engage in hair-raising science experiments! If that isn’t enough, there will be opportunity for art, music, and student-centered groups that support your student’s emotional and social growth.

Welcome to Principal Williams
I want to take a moment to introduce our principal, Mr. Rafiq Williams. Mr. Williams has been on staff for more than ten years and has been in several leadership positions before accepting his new role this summer. We are delighted to have Mr. Williams, and I think you will see why when you click here to hear his opening message.

Student Coaches
We care about each student and want to make sure that we provide high-level individual support. Your student’s classroom coach will meet each day to build a strong relationship, chat about the day, and complete this daily reflection tool that will be emailed to you.

Attendance matters more now than ever before! Children need routines and structure, and our staff has developed a rich virtual environment. Still, if your student does not attend school each day, they cannot grow academically, socially, or emotionally. If your student is not in class, you will be contacted by the classroom staff immediately. Additionally, a one-call will go out every afternoon, officially alerting about your child’s absence. Please contact Adele Graffeo via email at [email protected] to provide a note with the reason for an excused absence.

Help Desk
Do you need immediate help? Can we point you in the right direction? Call Ms. Angie Henderson-Good, our new MLS receptionist form 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, at 267-607-3792 and she will make sure to help you get answers any questions or connect you to our staff.

Family Tech Drop-In
Feeling lost? Learn more about Google and our virtual environment. Families, join one of our sessions to help you navigate your child’s academic Edtech journey.

  • Tuesday September 15, 2020 @ 10:00 am
  • Wednesday September 16, 2020 @ 5:30 pm
  • Saturday September 19, 2020 @ 9:30 am

Join with Google Meet
Meeting ID:

MLS families, please know that we are here for you! Do not hesitate to reach out to me, Mr. Williams, or anyone on our core leadership team with any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions. For a full web directory, click here. Our journey begins this week, and I am so excited to see the fantastic things we will discover over the next 180 days together.

Warm regards,
Eva Morrison

Eva R. Morrison, M. Ed. | School Director |
Vice President of Education