Join us for Bingo for Gemma on October 18th!

Each individual deserves the nurturing, safety, and security associated with a stable home. At Gemma, we work with families, county agencies, educators, and others involved in a child’s, teen’s, or young adult’s life to identify the best possible home to fit their unique needs.

foster family care

We provide Foster Family Care services for individuals from Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia Counties who cannot reside in their own homes presently. Foster families provide compassionate care in a loving home environment to address the needs of children, teens, and young adults as they navigate emotional and behavioral challenges. From ongoing training to professional guidance, we ensure foster families know they matter and have the skills and support they need to help those in their care know they matter too.

To learn more about our Foster Family Care services, and whether you qualify to become a treatment foster parent, please contact Eric Mitchell at (215) 901-7134 or by email.

adoption & permanency services

Our Adoption and Permanency Program works with children and adolescents who have experienced loss, separation, abuse, neglect, and other trauma. These youth have been placed in the homes of foster or kinship families because their legal families are unable to provide the care presently needed. Gemma supports both youth and families as they work toward achieving permanency, whether through reunification with their families, through adoption, or through Permanent Legal Custodianship (PLC) with their foster or kinship caregivers.

These services are county-referred and overseen by the Pennsylvania Statewide Adoption Network (SWAN). Gemma provides child profiles, family profiles, child-specific recruitment, child preparation, adoption finalization, and post-permanency support. Our experienced teams support children and caregivers to promote stability and permanency, firmly grounded in the principle that every child deserves a “forever family.”

If you are interested in learning more about our adoption services, please contact Sam Wojnilower at (215) 730-2274 or by email.