Join us for Bingo for Gemma on October 18th!

Message from Our School Director March 2021

From the Desk of Ms. Eva:


We  know we are not going back to normal; each day brings a new normal. This year has been filled with mastering all kinds of ways to be a school. Despite the challenges, our students continue to grow and learn. Many schools are experiencing a lag in academic growth, yet our MLS data is showing the opposite! When we return to in-person school (with our virtual academy option), we are committed to not going back to the old normal. We have learned new ways to be a school. We know that our society will continue to move forward with careers and a job market built on on-line technology and expertise. We want our students to benefit from both worlds and will have at least one day of virtual school each week, starting with Fridays during our ESY program.

On a separate, much more somber note, as our nation continues to face mass shootings, MLS is committed to furthering an anti-racist society that is built on our MLS Core Values of respect, belonging, courage, commitment, creativity, and perseverance. Peace can only start one person at a time. May it begin with us!

Please click here to read our MLS Messenger newsletter for February!

Warm regards,
Eva Morrison

Eva R. Morrison, M.ED. | School Director, Martin Luther School
Vice President of Education, Gemma Services

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