From the Desk of Ms. Eva:
MLS is busy celebrating Black History Month. It’s an exciting time of year filled with the celebration of thousands of amazing African American and Black authors, scientists, artists, inventors, dissenters — the list goes on and on. As a school director with over 30 years of experience, I long for the day when we won’t celebrate this month. Instead, children in every school will learn history through multiple perspectives, an honest account that gives voice to both the victories and horrors of the past in order to bring a brighter, fairer future to all of us. At MLS, this is the history we seek to teach as we honor all voices, especially those of our students and families.
I leave with you the hopeful words of our national poet laureate, Amanda Gorman:
“We will rebuild, reconcile, and recover in every known nook
of our nation in every corner called our country our people
diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and
beautiful, when the day comes we step out of the shade
aflame and unafraid, the new dawn blooms as we free it,
for there is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it,
if only we’re brave enough to be it.” ~ Amanda Gorman
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Warm regards,
Eva Morrison