From the Desk of Ms. Eva:
MLS is gearing up for ESY, with an option for hybrid and virtual instruction! Our hybrid program will have students attending on-campus Monday through Thursday, with a virtual day on Friday. Our new Virtual Academy option will be five days a week. The building is buzzing as we slowly bring back our staff and get everything ready for the students. Our take-away from virtual learning for close to 18 months is that our students can thrive when we provide high expectations and high support.
On another note, the federal government is requiring Pennsylvania schools to administer PSSAs. MLS will be holding testing sessions in June. You will be receiving an email with dates for a family information session in May and a form to indicate your student’s availability to come to campus for testing.
Please click here to read our MLS Messenger newsletter for April!
Warm regards,
Eva Morrison
Eva R. Morrison, M.ED. | School Director, Martin Luther School
Vice President of Education, Gemma Services
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