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A Message from Our Principal | May 2022


Dear Martin Luther School Students and Families,

What would you do as an educator or parent if you knew what your student(s) needed academically? I am sure you would do all you could to meet those needs and improve their chance of success. At MLS, this is our everyday goal. We are happy to announce a new program called WIN — What I Need! Whatever a student needs to improve in a specific content area will be provided during a thirty minute period at the beginning of each day. We will be monitoring the success of this program over the summer to implement it in the upcoming school year. Our students have made significant progress this year, particularly in the area of Reading. We trust this trend to continue as we move forward. Here at Martin Luther School, we believe that, “Literacy is the Mason-Dixon Line.” We will do everything to ensure that our students become joyful and passionate readers! Historically, the Mason-Dixon Line has signified freedom and opportunity. At Martin Luther School we continue this metaphor to mean students who are readers and those who aren’t. Our purpose with WIN is to make sure that all students end up on the right side of this “Mason-Dixon Line” —
being literate and falling in love with reading!

Mr. Rafiq Williams

Please click HERE to read our MLS Messenger newsletter for May!

Rafiq Williams| Principal, Martin Luther School

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